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Growth Mindset & Learning Muscles

Our learning muscle and growth mindset approach aims to help the children to 'know more and remember more'.

We use a set of eight learning muscles which enable the children to successfully access the principles of growth mindset. The learning muscle language is embedded into our language of learning. Each learning muscle is linked to a story and character.

Learning muscles are an integral part of our reward system used to identify our Star Learners and to praise positive learning behaviours. There is a visual poster representative of each learning muscle displayed in every classroom. 

See our learning muscles posters below.

Be Cooperative - Cartoon worm holding a drawing of a worm
Keep Improving - Orange dragon holding a picture
Be Curious - Cartoon monkey with a drawing of a monkey
Concentrate - Boy walking dog
Don't Give Up - Cartoon giraffe with a drawing of giraffe
Enjoy Learning - Cartoon snail with a drawing of a snail
Have a Go - Cartoon spider with umbarella and a drawing of spider
Use Your Imagination - Cartoon boy sat at a desk drawing
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