The School Day
School starts at 8.45am with a soft start– the children come straight into their classrooms and hang up their coats ready for the school day. The school gates are closed at 8.55am. It is important to be on time. Any children arriving after this time must report to the school office.
If your child is going to be absent from school, parents/carers must contact school on the day of the absence. This can be done by a phoning the school office on 01482 782200.
Lunch time:
Foundation Stage 11.30am - 12.15pm
All other year groups: 12pm - 12.45pm
End of the school day:
We finish school at 3.15pm. Please collect your child promptly, the gates open at 3.10pm. The children will be looked after until they are collected by the assigned person. The total time this amounts to in a typical week, including breaks but not after-school activities is 32.5 hours.
Morning nursery session: 8.45am until 11.45am.
Afternoon nursery session: 12:15pm until 3:15pm.